Taziana Alba.
Painting. Drawing.
Malerei. Graphik.
"As a painter I have always been an admirer of visual art, fascinated by humanity's deams and fantasies, the art which radiates from the warmth of flourishing life".
Taziana Alba
from the autobiography
The artist has studied in St. Petersburg at Russia's oldest school of art,
Academy of fine art, founded by tsarina Elizabeth.
Her career as an artist began under the wing of the famous artist Professor A. A. Milnikov. Her preferred genres are portrait, landscape, nude and still life. She prepares to work from nature, making sketches and studies which can be worked on and developed in the studio.
"Als Malerin war ich immer Verehrerin der Kunst, von dem menschlichen Traum und der Fantasie begeistert, die Kunst, die Wärme des blühenden Lebens ausstrahlt..."
Taziana Alba
Auszug aus der Autobiographie
Die Künstlerin studierte Kunst in St. Petersburg, erwarb dort ihr Diplom und war danach im berühmten, von der Zarin Elisabeth gegründeten Kunstakademie tätig.